Top 10 Back Office Services for Law Firms
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The back office services are contracting some particular tasks of your business to an external service provider. Outsourcing provides dynamic services to law firms at cost-effective rates. Further, support providers have long-range experience in providing legal assistance. They have a well-qualified and experienced team that has in-depth legal knowledge. These assist attorneys in focusing more on the core competencies and effective legal processes.
Customizable Support services:
These are the custom-buildable services carry out for legal professionals or law firms. The support services offer various reliable services, including Email processing, case e-filing, Legal demand letters, Check request, document reviews, etc. They provide efficient and dependable services without spending a huge amount of costs. Therefore, an outsourcing company is an effective information technology-enabled service (ITES) provider that assures compliance and security.
Benefits of hiring Back office support:
Back office services offer agile and cost-effective services to help legal firms save expenditures with quality output. Law firms plump for these services to conserve time, cost, and staffing.
Services provided by Back office services?
Support services provide services with daily reporting transparency. These services can help in releasing the workload and seamless business processes. Some are briefly described as following:
1. Legal Case Correspondence:
2. Check Processing:
By providing back-office support on electronic check processing services, you can make sure of timely payments and forgo the hassles associated with bounced checks. Litigation support providers are in the industry for over a decade now; they are equipped to cater to any check processing requirements. Their prompt services, which precisely cater to varying client needs, have made them a top choice for outsourcing check processing and verification. They are a dependable partner for check processing services as they automatically reconcile your books for every payment you accept.
3. Back office services provides Legal Document Review:
4. Legal Data Entry:
They obtain costs by using designated formulas. Also, The back office services manually extract and adds data value in the spreadsheet for current cases. In addition, this assists law firms in case management and saves time. Moreover, they add all the data of the cases in the client’s profile (CP) with the relevant matter number.
5. Back Office services Helps in Case E-filing:
Litigation support services provide a quick and simple online electronic court filing system, where tens of thousands of law firms trust us to file more than a million documents every year. In the first step, they digitally transform legal documents to get easy access to the files whenever needed. Secondly, their top-most documents confidentiality system ensures access to data only to respected authorities, and you also get better storage. Moreover, attorneys do not need physical trips to court. Hence, save time.
6. Assistance in Document review:
Support service provides the review of the legal documents independent and comprehensive reviews of data and documents relevant to our client’s interests. They have an exclusive team to proofread all the painstaking documents meticulously. Based on the client’s specification, our team reviews the documents subjectively for citation, typing errors, grammatical mistakes etc. All the documents reviewed go through a quality check to ascertain the highest possible accuracy. Their reviewing team examines each document with extensive care to understand what information it has. They achieve this with a potent mix of intelligent document reviewers and state-of-art technology.
7. Back Office Services Offer Email Processing:
8. Gmail & Outlook:
Attorneys allocate mails to the Litigation support provider. First, they process it and sort out data. Following that, they assign it to the relevant reviewer and make a proper file. Into the bargain, it assists law personnel in making it easy for them in data collection and the right name. However, this is usually time-sensitive, but it helps in solving a case. Support services providers process more than 500 emails daily.
9. Demand Letter Responses:
Legal specialists are trained to analyze the case file, the records and the social context of the plaintiff. They also prepare a well-detailed demand letter as we are aware that a good demand letter drafting can help you avoid the cost of legal fees and the burden of litigation through out-of-court settlements. Their highly skilled professionals work on preparing the portion of the demand letter, including medical billing coders, who review the medical bills and expenses and calculate the amount incurred. Get the time-zone advantage for your most pressing demand letters reduce your costs by 30-40%.
10. Pre-trail Calendaring:
In a nutshell: